Read Pressure in Tennis much more
"When you have fun, it changes all the pressure into pleasure."
- Ken Griffeyn
Pressure gets a bad name. It's the ultimate lie detector. When its present, getting near to match point for example, it can be a positive force bringing out the best in you, or a negative one, being an excuse to quit. Some players will break through, while those less committed break down. Everyone feels pressure in competition, no one is immune. The court can seem like a playground or feel like a prison ground.
It can often start before the game begins. Players under pressure become internally self-conscious rather then externally task-conscious. Worrying about miss-hit balls will usually cause you one.
Recall a time when you felt pressure. Remember what you were doing, feeling, saying. Where you excited or nervous? Did you expect failure or feel a desire to win? Did you let all kinds of negative thoughts come into your mind which may have been influenced by personality or environment factors?
Excessive mental pressure often produces mental blocks. Then anything recently learnt in training, be it tactical or technical may well be forgotten. Some situations can be embarrassing or humiliating, especially in front of spectators, creating a further negative performance experience. These experiences may lodge themselves in the mind and body showing up as performance problems either right away, or lying dormant for days, weeks, months before raising their ugly heads.
Demands on pro tennis players is higher than ever before. Sponsorship, TV exposure, fans, money, they all increase pressure. Become mentally tough, look at pressure as a challenge to drive yourself that much harder.
Pressure and stress creates muscle tension, causing over-tightness, generally in the neck and shoulders. The heart rate goes up, breathing quickens, skin perspires. Some feel their stomach churn. These are all physical early warning signs. Mentally your mind starts racing and negative thoughts float into your mind.
When you're tense, you want to get your task over with as soon as possible. The more you hurry, the worse you will probably play, having the ball land short, or sail to the back fence, this creates even more pressure in your mind and greater muscle tension, so wasting more energy. Consider this. Stress is strictly internal, it does not exist outside of your mind. Match conditions do not become anxious, only players do.
Stress kicks in whenever you are threatened in any way, even a threat to your ego. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) pumps more adrenalin and cortical into your heart, along with extra blood and oxygen to your muscles for the fight or flight response which helps you combat or escape from danger.
This is balanced by your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) when your blood pressure drops and you relax, which helps you to digest your food amongst the other benefits. Both the SNS and PNS work in balance.
When you are stressed the SNS does too much and the PNS is not employed enough. The nervous system cannot tell the difference between a real or an imagined event, so if you are suffering an emotional threat, you are still producing the same stress chemicals as your body needs to fight or flee.
As those chemicals have been pumped into your system in response to thoughts you cannot fight or flee from, your body has no way to get rid of them and over time, if it becomes a regular occurrence, the build up of these stress chemicals can later cause illness and disease.
Poise under pressure is admired by many. They wonder how you do it. Its important to realise tennis creates a certain amount of stress in every serious participation. It is useful to recognise and become familiar with your own unique mixture of emotional reactions and physical tendencies that appear during stressful times during matches. Increased heart rate, muscle tension, loss of appetite, sweaty palms, impatience, irritable. How do you cope with it?
One effective method is simply to write down specific stressors. The simple act or recognising and recording a behaviour you wish to change leads to improvement in the required direction.
Use travel time to listen to inspirational audiotapes or CD's. Hearing someone you admire or respect can have a positive impact on your mood. Upbeat music can make the miles fly by, or play something soothing to keep you calm en-route.
Stop reading this article right now and do the following breathing exercise. Close your eyes and take a deep breath down into your abdomen. Count to three as you inhale through your nose and count to five as you exhale through your mouth. Do it five times. Notice, if you pay close attention to your breathing and counting, you should, after five breaths, begin to feel more relaxed.
You can even enhance that deep breathing technique by remembering a time when you were on top of your game. As you breath and focus on the memory, say to yourself a word or phrase that can represent the relaxed feeling. "Steady" or "easy" might do it for you. Play around and notice what works. Psychological research has shown deep breathing while reciting a simple word or phrase weakens even severe stress considerably. You can do that anytime.
There are some more keys to remaining calm. Think about your best performances, past achievements and successes from using your skills and the good feelings they created. Stop any negative thinking as soon as you are aware of it and use your imagination to think about your strengths and resources. Remember good moods and the things that make you smile. Focus on pleasures, physical activity, problem solving, improving relationships in and off the court.
Bad Breath DetectorPaul M. Maher invites you to learn more about sports psychology and to maximise your sports potential by visiting You will gain access to invaluable eBooks focused on tennis, cricket, soccer and bodybuilding psychology.
Pressure in Tennis
Bad Breath DetectorRead Mouth Ulcers and Bad Breath (Halitosis) extra
Mouth ulcer has become progressively less common since the last 10 years; it is a disease which mainly affects those over 45 and is seen twice as often in men. Improved dental care and mouth hygiene may be factors in its decrease, but the best proven link is with pipe and cigar smoking, particularly when associated with drinking. Mouth ulcers also cause a problem of bad breath. As pipes have given way to cigarettes, cancer of the lung has increased and cancer of the mouth decreased.
The mouth is the proximal part of the long digestive tract. It can be prone to trauma and infections and such causes can be varied.
o Infection: Those affecting the oral cavity could be viral, bacterial, and at times even fungal. Patients on antibiotics and steroid therapy or a prolonged period of time have been noted to get fungal infections of the mouth, due essentially to a change in the bacterial flora of the mouth. These microbes many a times causes bad breath.
o Chemical Causes: Chronic cigar and cigarette smoking, habitual chewing of strong peppermints, betel nuts and alcoholism are possible causes as are industrial chemicals such as mercury or nitrous oxide (the latter combines with saliva, causing a corrosive action in the mouth, damaging its mucous membrane).
o Traumatic Causes: Injuries from sharp teeth, accidental biting, badly- fitted dentures, sharp toothpicks are some of the possible causes. Also the oral cavity mucosa could have been damaged by swallowing extremely hot drinks and food.
o Allergies: Frequent allergens to some sensitive oral cavities are the certain lozenges, mouth washes, and at times even drugs. In women, lipstick can be a cause.
o Vitamin Deficiency: Degenerative and ulcerative changes in the mouth can be due to a deficiency of the Vitamin B group and Vitamin C.
o Diseases: Diseases of indeterminate origin, such as lichen planus, erythema multiforma and oral pemphigus can easily affect the oral cavity.
o Brushing Methods: Using improper toothbrushes and unsuitable toothpaste, combined with vigorous brushing, can subject the mucous membranes especially around the teeth, to ulceration, and later too superimposed infections.
o Salivary Gland Deficiency: When there is saliva deficiency, the oral cavity is dry and the mucous membrane easily damaged.
o Nervous State: Those who are extremely depressed, worried and unduly concerned have been noted to get frequent mouth ulcerations and infections.
The ulcers which commonly occur are recurrent aphthous ulcers. These, unlike malignant ulcers, are found more often in females and are most troublesome at an earlier age, between 10 and 40.
The development of an abscess ulceration is usually heralded by soreness or a burning feeling in the mouth; they are round or oval, less than five in number and under 10mm in diameter. Treatment is by the local application of steroids: Adcortyl (Triamcinolone) in Orabase, or by holding a steroid pellet containing either weak hydrocortisone or betamethasone, against the ulcer.
Abscess ulceration runs in families; in some women it is associated with the premenstrual period, and in other patients can be precipitated by minor injury or emotional stress. Eighty per cent of abscess ulceration can be classified as minor. In the remaining 20 per cent of cases the ulcers are larger, often more than five in number, recur more frequently, heal more slowly, are accompanied by feelings of general ill health and frequently respond less well to locally applied weak steroids.
The occasional patient may need a course of full-strength steroid tablets. The persistent abscess ulcer, which can last for up to six weeks, may be mistaken for a cancerous growth. The clue to the correct diagnosis of major abscess ulceration is that there is a history of recurrent attacks, but both types of ulcers can be confused with a chronic sore due to ill-fitting false teeth.
Any persistent abnormality in the mouth whether an ulcer or a hard lump, should be shown to your doctor, who, unless he is absolutely sure of its nature, can always arrange for it to be examined microscopically.
My passion is research and writing. For more information or to learn more on Bad Breath (Halitosis), please visit my blog
Mouth Ulcers and Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Go through Steps to Cure Bad Breath (Halitosis) more
Bad breath also called (halitosis) is the condition where a person suffers from unpleasant breath most of the time. The condition causes emotional stress upon individuals suffering from it. It can be cured by following the following steps.
Finding out the cause of the bad odor is the first step to take. Some of the possible causes include; a, poor oral hygiene, diseases of the mouth, dry mouth and respiratory tract infections and diseases affecting the kidneys and liver. The cause can result from one or more of these conditions. Finding the cause will help in identifying possible methods of curing the unpleasant breath.
After finding the cause of the awful breath, you commence to find the possible alternatives available to cure the bad breath. A cause for bad breath can be cured using a single or more than one method. For instance, if the awful breath is caused by respiratory tract infection, seeking medical attention as well as use of good oral hygiene will cure this. As there could be more than one alternative, weighing all of them and finding the one that will be most effective will be necessary.
The most effective cure should be one that cures the unpleasant breath in the long term. There are temporary cures for unpleasant breath but can turn out expensive. However, the temporary cures can be used during the period of treating the bad breath permanently. This is because curing unpleasant breath halitosis can take some time.
The cost is also something to consider while seeking methods to cure the bad odor. This can vary depending on the cause as well as time it will take to effectively cure the bad odor. Cost can be as little as buying toothpaste or as expensive as going for throat surgery. Whatever it will cost, it should be worth it if it will permanently eliminate the unpleasant breath.
Like any other body condition, the awful odor can reemerge. Therefore, it will be necessary to find ways of preventing this form happening.
To find the measures to put in place for the prevention of bad breath, it will be necessary to have knowledge of the causes of bad odor. This way you will be able to control any condition that might lead to emergence of bed breath again. Such measures include eating a healthy diet, exercising, good oral hygiene, taking in a lot of fluids and change of lifestyle.
If you follow the mentioned, then your bad breath cure is right in front of you. You will be able to cure the bad breath as well as keep it from re-emerging again. Your mental stress will also be gone allowing you live a healthy life.
Want to discover more bad breath (halitosis) tips?
Go here to download your FREE course that reveals how you can kill bad breath at easy steps []
Steps to Cure Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Bad BreathGo through Winter Survival Tips additional
Winter Survival Tips
Bad Breath DetectorIt doesn't matter which state you reside in when living up north, when the winter months arrive proper actions must be taken to assure that you will survive the season in a safe and fruitful manner. Since the state of Delaware does not have an official "Winter Awareness Month" and in view of the seriousness of winter safety, I am dedicating the month of December to winter awareness.
During our "Winter Awareness Month" we will be writing and placing a multitude of articles online which will relate to maintaining a safe environment at home or in your car. Why wait to gather up important information after your city is buried under several feet of snow. Learn what to do now and be better prepared when the bad weather arrives.
Usually Delaware winters are not harsh but rather minimal in severity. We rarely get much snow or even sub-zero freezing temperatures. Last years blizzard was an exception to that rule as we were snowed in for multiple days. In general winter time can be some of the most beautiful times of the year however they can also be the most brutal and unforgiving. In the weeks that follow my readers can look forward to articles concerning remaining safe when outside, driving safely in the wintertime, the hazards of shoveling snow, and since many survivalists are outdoor type people, I will cover safety on lakes and rivers which have become frozen.
To kick start our program off, I would like to first cover some tips to keeping your home safe during the winter season. Always remember to check your smoke detector and in have at least one on each floor. Test your smoke detectors on a monthly schedule and once per year replace the 9 volt battery. Frequently in order to remember when to replace the battery it is recommended that you do so every time you set your clocks ahead.
I can not stress enough that you should have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installed near the bedrooms and also on each of the floors of your home. When the alarm goes off it is suggested that you press the reset button, call your local fire department and immediately get to a source of fresh air. The symptoms of CO poisoning include dizziness, fatigue, headache and a shortness of breath. Know the symptoms and in the event you experience them get fresh air immediately and contact your doctor.
In conjunction with your Carbon Monoxide detector make certain that your heating equipment is inspected yearly. A trained specialist should be called in to inspect and adjust your heater at the beginning of each winter season.
Portable heaters have traditionally proved to be the major contributor to home fires. Keep these heaters a minimum of 3 feet from anything in your room which could catch fire. This includes your bed, furniture, and children. Always keep young children from playing near the portable heaters in fact never leave them alone in a room with a burning portable heater.
I always keep a kerosene heater readily available during winter time weather in the event we loose electricity. They are perfect for emergency use however make certain that you use the proper fuel in your unit. Never use gasoline as a substitute for kerosene as you will likely experience an deadly explosion. Don't refuel your heater while it is on. Provide a measure of air circulation when your heater is in use.
There you have a start on our winter safety articles, I hope you find the information in it useful and above all stay safe this winter season.
Copyright @2010 Joseph Parish
For more information relating to survival visit us at
Understand How to Test For Bad Breath - The Cheap Bad Breath Tests! extra
Do you want to know how to test for bad breath? One of the fastest ways to know if you have bad breath is to test it on your partner and ask them. I know this problem can be embarrassing and of course, if you are facing this problem, you really have to get rid of it immediately so that the people around you and yourself will feel more comfortable.
- Lick the back of your wrist
This is one of the most common ways to test for bad breath. Lick the back of your wrist and leave it on for a minute. If the smell is bad, you are having a bad breath.
- The toothpick method
Use the toothpick between your teeth and also scrape a little bit on your tongue. Smell the toothpick, it will roughly tell you how bad your breath smell.
- The cotton method
Use a cotton to swab the side of your cheek and also the back of your tongue. This is one of the more accurate ways to test for bad breath.
- Dental floss
You can also check if you have bad breath using the dental floss. Smell the dental floss.
If you can even smell and feel your own breath, I am sure the people who are talking to you can also smell it. If the people around you are stepping a few steps backward when you talk to them or is either they are covering their nose, it is very likely you are suffering from bad breath.
Although some people are suffering from chronic bad breath and getting rid of the smell may seem so difficult for them. The glad thing is bad breath is also common problem and it is curable. You just need to find the exact cause to this problem and use the right remedy to cure the bad breath.
All you need to do now is to get your instructions on How To Cure Bad Breath fast.
Bad BreathI am sure certain remedies will eliminate your worries totally. Start treating with Home Remedies For Bad Breath and get cured in just only 1 day.
How to Test For Bad Breath - The Cheap Bad Breath Tests!
Bad BreathRead through Doing the Right Thing more
Ropo Oguntimehin said, "Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave".
Education is actually the act of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing one's decision making power and preparing the mind intellectually for mature life. One thing must be clear in the minds of all that when we talk about education, we talk about it as a whole. This is because education does not have any restrictions; it is an idea free from the narrowness of people's horizons.
So, the first step for gaining knowledge is that one makes the right options in life and chooses the right path. It is not limited to school's textbooks only. It is a process that holds the responsibility of producing good and responsible citizens out of it.
All the people contribute towards the development and growth of a community and all beings of the community play a part in one way or another. So, it's best that one makes the right option and do what is best for them. It is just that we should gain the best of what we want and learn everything about it because better education leaves with remarkable opportunities and better life. There is certain narrowness about different fields out there and people who are interested in those fields fear the people and hesitate to play their part in the betterment of the environment. This is the place where we talk about one's basic education that certainly starts from the mother's lap.
Out of all the learning this is the most important one because this is the education that reflects a person's personality and defines the family he belongs to. so, the most eminent learning that helps him in making the most important and significant decisions of his life having the direct impact on his life later on. Other than that parents also play an important role in making good or bad people. This is because when a child is born the only thing he knows is either to breath or to cry. This is the stage where parents play their part by teaching him the way to lead his life. A child always follows his mother and sees his hero in his father. If parents help their children in leading their life in a proper way, only then we can get the most responsible citizens for the environment of the process we called education.
In short no human could survive without education and no man could live without awareness. So, we should value our lives and live each moment of it to the fullest, only then we can get a good community and peaceful environment.
Doing the Right Thing
Understand 5 Ways to Catch a Cheating Wife - How to Spot the Signs more
Cheating is unforgivable. It's something you'd never wish on anyone and the hurt it costs is definitely unimaginable. But lately, you find yourself getting a little more suspicious about your wife. You seem to be questioning her late meetings with friends, her hushed tones on the phone and her sudden indifference to you. You don't want to think about it but come on --- you're already plotting on ways to catch your cheating wife. Below are five undeniable signs she's definitely cheating. Take a deep breath. You might have a long talk with her tonight:
She's always busy and out of the house. It's great that she's finally decided to meet up with friends, do new hobbies and get busy. You've never seen her so happy again. However, if things seem to become more and more busy and she seemed to be pulling farther away from you, better do some asking about her new hobbies. She might already be seeing someone new.
She gets a major make-over. She get a new hairstyle, changes her wardrobe and gets her nails done for the first time. Maybe she's just trying to look goof for you but if there are no upcoming birthdays or dinners out, maybe (just maybe) she's done it for someone else. The thrill of meeting someone new may be too good for her.
She keeps track of your schedule. She makes sure you're home at this time and inquires about your bowling night with your buddies tomorrow. She asks about your plans for the weekend and the time you'll be getting home. She's keeping her tracks clean --- and doing her best not to get caught.
She's often distracted and gets jumpy. You talk to her and she seemed to be miles and miles away. However, when you suddenly open the door to your room she jumps up like she's been caught doing something illegal. She'd follow this up with a nervous laughter and a few short stammering sentences --- she's definitely hiding something from you.
She can't look you in the eye. A lying person (especially the not very good ones) will find a very hard time to keep eye contact. You don't need a lie detector to find out --- her guilty looks and her fleeting glances are enough to tell you that she's not happy anymore --- and found it with someone else.
Are you still suspicious for signs she's cheating and other ways to catch a cheating wife? Do you still want to make every single day a romantic and intense day for the both of you and save yourself from a bad relationship? Find out more tips on how to keep a healthy relationship by visiting my website now!
Bad Breath DetectorTag :
5 Ways to Catch a Cheating Wife - How to Spot the Signs
Read through Chlorophyll and Bad Breath far more
In the 1950s, someone noticed the odor absorbing qualities of chlorophyll and bad breath remedies appeared that contained this ingredient. Chlorophyll is found in green plants and plays an important role in plant uptake of carbon dioxide, in the presence of sunlight, to produce oxygen and energy. A derivative, chlorophyllin, is more stable and is often the true ingredient in commercial preparations. In nature, it is found in high concentrations in green algae, spinach, and parsley. The most familiar breath products containing this pigment today are Clorets gum and mints.
Initially, there were many more chlorophyll and bad breath products - rinses, toothpastes, mints etc. - and the 1950s saw a bit of a craze with respect to this halitosis remedy. It's popularity didn't really last, however, and most of the products eventually disappeared. The idea of using the pigment to absorb odors remained and it is still being used today for other situations.
The association between chlorophyll and bad breath products continues, but it has become somewhat secondary. Some scientific research has been done on the ability of chlorophyllin to remove fecal and urinary odors in patients with colostomies and urinary incontinence. The results, though not astounding, were positive enough to make the pigment a common dietary supplement for this application. It has also been recommended as a remedy for foot odor, and may have other health benefits such as providing protection against cancer and certain other diseases. After almost fifty years of use for one reason or another, one thing is certain - this substance is quite safe.
Clorets products remain on the market, a testament to the popularity of the product when most other chlorophyll and bad breath products have been forgotten, Although its effect on halitosis has not been scientifically studied, anecdotal reports suggest that's its major strength may lie in its ability to mask the odor of cigarette smoke. Interestingly, deer hunters who smoke recommend Clorets to prevent deer from catching human scent downwind.
There may be something to the suggestion that chlorophyllin can absorb the odor of halitosis to some extent. Remember, however, that the claims with respect to chlorophyll and bad breath only address odor reduction: no one is saying that this substance can actually attack the causes of halitosis and cure the problem. At best, it is a band aid solution.
Bad BreathR. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.
Chlorophyll and Bad Breath
Bad BreathExamine Carbon Monoxide Problems - Read This If You Care About Your Family additional
I couldn't believe what I was watching and listening to, as I watched a video on YouTube the other day about carbon monoxide poisoning. The video that I was watching, involved two children dying as two frustrated parents dealt with their oldest son's life on the line.
I had no idea that carbon monoxide poisoning kills people in their sleep and actually causes them to become drowsy and fall asleep, before killing them. If you don't know anything about carbon monoxide gases or poisoning, I would like to share some information with you about it.
Carbon monoxide is an odorless and tasteless gas that is hard to detect. It is produced by burning gas, oil, wood, charcoal and even kerosene products. The smoke from the burning of these fuels can become trapped in unventilated areas like your home.
Low levels of gases can make you feel sick to your stomach, create shortness of breath and even give you a mild headache. Remember, I'm talking about low level warning signs, moderate to high levels of this deadly gas are going to be different.
If you're exposed to moderate or high levels of gas for a long period of time, you can plan on getting a headache, feeling like you're going to throw up and dizziness. If you feel like you have any of these symptoms, you should get some fresh air as soon as possible.
If you think that someone has been exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide and they really don't feel good, you should take them to the hospital or call 911 for emergency services. Carbon monoxide poisoning is going to be harder on younger children and the elderly than it will be on someone that is in pretty good physical shape, between the ages of 18 and 60.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to learn a little bit more about home safety, especially if you weren't familiar with carbon monoxide poisoning. How many other home safety problems are you lacking knowledge about?
Bad Breath DetectorTag :
Carbon Monoxide Problems - Read This If You Care About Your Family
Study Ketones and Bad Breath much more
Since the heyday of the Atkins Diet, when everyone was led to believe that carbs were evil and high protein diets were the answer to our weight loss woes, medical advancement has shown that we can be easily led if we have the right motivation. But as with anything, the Atkins Diet lost its novelty value eventually and we started to see the light that we previously had refused to see. One thing we learned from the anti-Atkins medical profession was that the Atkins Diet causes bad breath!
So, it's logical to assume that the choice is to either be overweight and have sweet breath or to be slim and have stinky breath. Not much of a choice, is it?
The problem with low carb diets is that the body must resort to using its fat stores for energy. In fact, it is using its 'last resort' fats to keep moving when what it really needs is a constant supply of sustained energy-providing carbohydrates. While the fat is being burnt, waste products are being broken down and these are called ketones. Emitted from the body as smelly breath, ketones indicate that you are in a state of ketosis, which, although it was to be aimed for by Atkins devotees, is actually not a very healthy condition to be in at all. Considering that ketosis is a condition that occurs during a starvation phase, you can understand how anyone who lost weight on Atkins could be headed for a health disaster.
Dangerous side effects from high protein diets include kidney failure, osteoporosis, kidney stones, cancer and high cholesterol.
Remember that bad breath - just like pain - is your body's way of telling you that something's not right. You need to pay attention to your body's messages and once you do, your metabolism should begin to correct itself. Ketones and bad breath could be considered partners in crime but in reality, bad breath is like a police informer, reporting the ketones as undesirables.
Lisa Simmons is a freelance writer and has written many health related articles. Visit bad breath fear, to learn more about bad breath on a low carb diet.
Want to get rid of your bad breath? Download our free bad breath report.
Ketones and Bad Breath
Bad BreathExamine Bad Breath Picture much more
What would a bad breath picture look like? Obviously it's impossible to take a picture of an odor: we can't see a smell. The mention of bad breath, however, does conjure up a mental picture - perhaps a picture of people stepping back or leaning away from someone they're having a conversation with; perhaps a picture of swollen inflamed gums and decaying teeth; perhaps a picture of a sleep-disheveled person gargling with mouthwash in front of the mirror in the morning. It's likely different for everyone.
A bad breath tester would be helpful because many people believe that they have bad breath when they don't, and they often get that impression because people step away from them when they speak. In reality the movement is often involuntary or, at worst, the cause is an odor of garlic or onions, cigarette smoke, or some other transient breath odor. The mental bad breath picture of people moving away when you speak is misleading, and it contributes to a general mentality that everyone's breath smells bad.
In reality, everyone's breath does smell bad - sometimes. For most people it's an occasional thing and not something to worry about. And unfortunately, there's really no such thing as a personal bad breath tester. Some authorities suggest licking your wrist and then smelling that to judge just how bad the bad breath picture is. This may or may not work - if your suspicion that you have bad breath is based on an unpleasant taste in your mouth, perhaps from onions, strong cheese, or dry mouth from a head cold, your nose is unlikely to be able to overcome what your tongue is telling you.
A better bad breath tester is a physician or a good friend. Someone else's nose is a much better judge than your own. Pick someone you trust to give you the true bad breath picture and, preferably, ask them to check on several different occasions so you will know whether the problem is ongoing or transient. This should help you to figure out if it is associated with some thing you are eating or perhaps another personal habit, or if the problem is an ongoing one that requires treatment.
If your bad breath tester is a doctor or a dentist, and the bad breath picture is, well, bad, use the opportunity to discuss possible health causes and the best approach to treatment. If you've used the good nature of a close friend, make an appointment with your doctor or dentist before trying over the counter or mail order products, just to be sure there isn't some important health consideration you've missed.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Picture, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.
Bad Breath Picture
Bad BreathGo through Indoor Air Quality is Important more
No matter where you live - be it the sweltering South or in cooler climates - or the style of residence (a condo, home, or large apartment), nothing is more important than ensuring your family can breathe easily at home. Some may think because you can't see problems like smoke or dust that your indoor air quality must be okay. In truth, the biggest dangers at home may be occurring without you realizing it. Every breath you take at home could lead to serious health problems down the road if you don't take measures to keep your indoor air fresh and clean.
Optimizing Indoor Air Quality
What does it mean to keep a high IAQ at home? Of course, clean air is the key, but achieving this involves doing things that eliminate the growth of bacteria, moisture, mold, and other pollutants that trigger illness and allergies if left unchecked. Much of what contaminates your home is brought from the outside - pollen, dirt, and even smoke - so you want to be sure your windows and doors are properly sealed to keep nature outside.
As for the indoors, a licensed HVAC mechanic should be on call to test your air conditioning, filtration, and duct systems for any anomalies that cause them to not work at optimal levels. When an air conditioning unit becomes too old to function well, for example, it is likely not to generate the clean air you need for your home. Likewise, as you ignore filters they continue to collect dust and other particles until they eventually recycle the bad stuff into your house, and your lungs.
Solutions for Good Breathing
Regular checkups with your local HVAC contractor can put your mind at ease. You may also wish to invest in an inexpensive testing device and a carbon monoxide detector to warn you if your breathing room has reached a dangerous level. Don't take chances with the IAQ of your home. Rest easy in your sleep and when you relax.
Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on Newport News HVAC services and Hampton HVAC services.
Indoor Air Quality is Important
Bad Breath DetectorRead Doing the Right Thing extra
Doing the Right Thing
Bad Breath DetectorRopo Oguntimehin said, "Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave".
Education is actually the act of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing one's decision making power and preparing the mind intellectually for mature life. One thing must be clear in the minds of all that when we talk about education, we talk about it as a whole. This is because education does not have any restrictions; it is an idea free from the narrowness of people's horizons.
So, the first step for gaining knowledge is that one makes the right options in life and chooses the right path. It is not limited to school's textbooks only. It is a process that holds the responsibility of producing good and responsible citizens out of it.
All the people contribute towards the development and growth of a community and all beings of the community play a part in one way or another. So, it's best that one makes the right option and do what is best for them. It is just that we should gain the best of what we want and learn everything about it because better education leaves with remarkable opportunities and better life. There is certain narrowness about different fields out there and people who are interested in those fields fear the people and hesitate to play their part in the betterment of the environment. This is the place where we talk about one's basic education that certainly starts from the mother's lap.
Out of all the learning this is the most important one because this is the education that reflects a person's personality and defines the family he belongs to. so, the most eminent learning that helps him in making the most important and significant decisions of his life having the direct impact on his life later on. Other than that parents also play an important role in making good or bad people. This is because when a child is born the only thing he knows is either to breath or to cry. This is the stage where parents play their part by teaching him the way to lead his life. A child always follows his mother and sees his hero in his father. If parents help their children in leading their life in a proper way, only then we can get the most responsible citizens for the environment of the process we called education.
In short no human could survive without education and no man could live without awareness. So, we should value our lives and live each moment of it to the fullest, only then we can get a good community and peaceful environment.
Understand Bad Breath Causes and Misconceptions extra
Bad Breath Causes and Misconceptions
Bad BreathAn undesirable mouth odor is embarrassing!
Bad breath or halitosis is a result of poor oral hygiene and unhealthy lifestyle. The food you eat is just one of the many contributing factors to it. In addition, it can also be a sign of a serious health problem.
Knowing about what causes bad breath is very important. Aside from this you should also be aware of the misconceptions about it. Understanding these will help you deal with this oral problem.
The Causes
When teeth are not brushed or flossed thoroughly, some of the food particles remain in the mouth. These promote bacterial growth in-between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue, which results to bad breath. Foods with strong odors such as garlic, onion, fish, and exotic spices, and cheese can also contribute greatly to this problem.
Smoking or chewing tobacco-based products is another cause of bad mouth odor. It can also lead to teeth discoloration and gum irritation.
Dry Mouth
Saliva is an essential part of the digestive process. It also removes odor-causing bacteria in the mouth. Decreased flow of saliva can lead to dry mouth which is another cause of bad breath.
Dentures and Dental Devices
Loose-fitting dentures can cause sores and mouth infections that can result to bad breath. Another factor is the use of dental devices like braces. Food deposits that stay on the device can trigger bad mouth odor.
Health Problems
Bad breath can also be a result of a serious health problem. Anyone who suffers from it can have any of the following medical disorders:
· Periodontal or gum disease
· Respiratory tract infection
· Throat infection such as tonsillitis
· Chronic bronchitis
· Chronic sinusitis
· Diabetes
· Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
· Kidney or liver disease
· Lactose intolerance
The Misconceptions
Misconception #1:Brushing your teeth can prevent you from having bad mouth odor.
Most people brush their teeth for only 30 to 45 seconds, which is not enough. This should be done for at least 2 minutes. Since brushing the teeth alone is not sufficient, you should also clean your cheeks, gums, and tongue because bacteria stay in these areas too.
Misconception #2:Using mouthwash can stop bad breath.
Using mouthwash is not a guarantee that you will be safe from undesirable mouth odor. Mouthwash only lessens or stops the foul odor temporarily. If you are going to use mouthwash, look for one with antiseptic; it kills germs that cause bad breath.
William E. Anderson is an expert contributor in Luster Teeth Whitening []. Learn more about this important dental care procedure as he continues to provide valuable insights that will help you decide the Best Teeth Whitening [] solution for you.
Study Doing the Right Thing more
Ropo Oguntimehin said, "Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave".
Education is actually the act of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing one's decision making power and preparing the mind intellectually for mature life. One thing must be clear in the minds of all that when we talk about education, we talk about it as a whole. This is because education does not have any restrictions; it is an idea free from the narrowness of people's horizons.
So, the first step for gaining knowledge is that one makes the right options in life and chooses the right path. It is not limited to school's textbooks only. It is a process that holds the responsibility of producing good and responsible citizens out of it.
All the people contribute towards the development and growth of a community and all beings of the community play a part in one way or another. So, it's best that one makes the right option and do what is best for them. It is just that we should gain the best of what we want and learn everything about it because better education leaves with remarkable opportunities and better life. There is certain narrowness about different fields out there and people who are interested in those fields fear the people and hesitate to play their part in the betterment of the environment. This is the place where we talk about one's basic education that certainly starts from the mother's lap.
Out of all the learning this is the most important one because this is the education that reflects a person's personality and defines the family he belongs to. so, the most eminent learning that helps him in making the most important and significant decisions of his life having the direct impact on his life later on. Other than that parents also play an important role in making good or bad people. This is because when a child is born the only thing he knows is either to breath or to cry. This is the stage where parents play their part by teaching him the way to lead his life. A child always follows his mother and sees his hero in his father. If parents help their children in leading their life in a proper way, only then we can get the most responsible citizens for the environment of the process we called education.
In short no human could survive without education and no man could live without awareness. So, we should value our lives and live each moment of it to the fullest, only then we can get a good community and peaceful environment.
Doing the Right Thing
Bad Breath DetectorUnderstand Winter Survival Tips additional
It doesn't matter which state you reside in when living up north, when the winter months arrive proper actions must be taken to assure that you will survive the season in a safe and fruitful manner. Since the state of Delaware does not have an official "Winter Awareness Month" and in view of the seriousness of winter safety, I am dedicating the month of December to winter awareness.
During our "Winter Awareness Month" we will be writing and placing a multitude of articles online which will relate to maintaining a safe environment at home or in your car. Why wait to gather up important information after your city is buried under several feet of snow. Learn what to do now and be better prepared when the bad weather arrives.
Usually Delaware winters are not harsh but rather minimal in severity. We rarely get much snow or even sub-zero freezing temperatures. Last years blizzard was an exception to that rule as we were snowed in for multiple days. In general winter time can be some of the most beautiful times of the year however they can also be the most brutal and unforgiving. In the weeks that follow my readers can look forward to articles concerning remaining safe when outside, driving safely in the wintertime, the hazards of shoveling snow, and since many survivalists are outdoor type people, I will cover safety on lakes and rivers which have become frozen.
To kick start our program off, I would like to first cover some tips to keeping your home safe during the winter season. Always remember to check your smoke detector and in have at least one on each floor. Test your smoke detectors on a monthly schedule and once per year replace the 9 volt battery. Frequently in order to remember when to replace the battery it is recommended that you do so every time you set your clocks ahead.
I can not stress enough that you should have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installed near the bedrooms and also on each of the floors of your home. When the alarm goes off it is suggested that you press the reset button, call your local fire department and immediately get to a source of fresh air. The symptoms of CO poisoning include dizziness, fatigue, headache and a shortness of breath. Know the symptoms and in the event you experience them get fresh air immediately and contact your doctor.
In conjunction with your Carbon Monoxide detector make certain that your heating equipment is inspected yearly. A trained specialist should be called in to inspect and adjust your heater at the beginning of each winter season.
Portable heaters have traditionally proved to be the major contributor to home fires. Keep these heaters a minimum of 3 feet from anything in your room which could catch fire. This includes your bed, furniture, and children. Always keep young children from playing near the portable heaters in fact never leave them alone in a room with a burning portable heater.
I always keep a kerosene heater readily available during winter time weather in the event we loose electricity. They are perfect for emergency use however make certain that you use the proper fuel in your unit. Never use gasoline as a substitute for kerosene as you will likely experience an deadly explosion. Don't refuel your heater while it is on. Provide a measure of air circulation when your heater is in use.
There you have a start on our winter safety articles, I hope you find the information in it useful and above all stay safe this winter season.
Copyright @2010 Joseph Parish
For more information relating to survival visit us at
Winter Survival Tips
Bad Breath DetectorUnderstand Eating Disorders: Hungry for Love far more
They're everywhere; magazines talking about the eating habits and body sculpting practices of the rich and famous. Why are we so focused on the physical appearance of these people or for that matter, why do we put so much pressure on them to look a certain way? AND, what messages are we sending our kids, especially the girls? PLUS, what purpose does it serve to gossip about them?
I agree with being healthy; yet, how healthy are we being when we become obsessed? Obsession is a form of worry. Worry indicates a desire to control. When we're worried about the size and shape of our body, we're wanting to control. With life spinning out of control, we seek to gain some degree of control, and more often than not, the only things we ever have control over are our thoughts. Unfortunately, the human race competes within the framework of right / wrong, good / bad and various other extremes. As we grow and explore the world, we do everything we can to fit in and the only way to do that is by being good enough for someone or something; hence, obsession with our physical appearance becomes a tool for attracting and repelling attention. Even though it appears as if our society is attempting to lose weight and be healthy, the actions or lack thereof, have nothing to do with any of that; it's all about control and acceptance. In other words, we're collectively out of control, desperately seeking love. What's worse, this twisted unhealthy way of existing is a sad reality for millions of people.
What I'm referring to are eating disorders which affect nearly 24 million people of all ages and genders with at least 50% being treated for depression and anxiety. Statistically, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness; although, these numbers vary due to the final cause mentioned on the death certificate. Many people with an eating disorder develop heart problems, kidney problems, cancer, suffer from malnutrition or simply choose to end their life. However, it does not need to get to this point. There are plenty of early warning signs and with ample sensitivity, understanding, love and guidance our family members, friends and patients can successfully get through this difficult time.
Eating disorders are any of the following:
1. Anorexics starve / restrict food intake ~ minor forms of this eating disorder include people practicing excessive drinking of coffee and alcohol and cigarette smoking all while eating limited amounts of food.
2. Bulimics purge through the use of laxatives, diuretics, excessive exercise, vomiting OR fasting for extended periods of time to make up for a binge.
3. Compulsive overeaters do not use inappropriate weight control behaviors and are often laden with guilt or shame leading to additional binges.
4. Diabulimics are bulimics with diabetes manipulating their insulin levels for weight management.
If you suspect an eating disorder, take some time and look for any of these indicators:
1. Extreme concern with body weight and shape
2. Intense fear of being fat
3. Refusing to eat; not wanting to eat in public
4. Excessive use of laxatives or diuretics (bulimia)
5. Unusual need to use the bathroom after eating; always running water while using the restroom
6. Obsessed with food; eager to prepare large meals for friends and family and not eating with them
7. Extremely restrictive eating patterns
8. Excessive exercise
9. Loss of menstrual cycle
10. Change in tooth structure, color and length
11. Dry mouth
12. Bleeding gums
13. Increased sensitivity to hot and cold in the mouth
14. Perfectionist personality (anorexia / bulimia)
15. Increased sensitivity to cold (anorexia)
16. Low blood pressure and heart rate
17. Profuse perspiration and shortness of breath (binge eating)
18. Hair loss, sunken eyes, pale skin (anorexia)
19. Blood shot / lightly bruised eyes (bulimia)
20. Mood swings, anxiety, depression
21. Dizziness and headaches
22. Sore throat and / or swollen glands (bulimia)
Changes in the mouth are often the first physical symptoms of an eating disorder and can occur as early as six months from the start of the problem.
The nutritional deficiencies resulting from the harmful practices can lead to low bone mass, weakened heart as well as metabolic and electrolyte imbalances. These imbalances cause the blood to become more acidic (metabolic acidosis) and the potassium levels to drop directly affecting the quality of the saliva and its production. Laxatives, diuretics and vomiting add to the devastating effects in the mouth. Tooth erosion, dry mouth, gum disease, cavities are all early consequences of an eating disorder and the reason why a patient often seeks the assistance of a dental practitioner. There is also the risk of osteoporosis and jaw fractures in the anorexic patient.
Here's where the role of the dental professional becomes more than just a cavity detector. Dentists, doctors, dental hygienists, and assistants are now, more than ever, in the position of saving lives. To address the findings and concerns sooner than later is imperative because the evidence we currently have is undeniable ~ our oral health directly affects our physical health and vice versa. It's a systemic issue requiring a collaborative effort. It's time for doctors and dentists to come together and demonstrate holistic healthcare.
Eating disorders are not about being thin or healthy. They are a form of mental illness that 'upsets' the whole system as each one does. From my perspective, these issues are a microcosm representing the macrocosm. We are a world spinning out of control and are doing so on an individual basis as well. The cure? Feeding / filling the hungry hearts suffocated by fear.
At this point, it seems necessary for the collective to pull together in support of the greater good. It's going to take understanding, love and a genuine desire to alleviate the pain. Imagine the degree of discomfort someone must be feeling in order to manifest these physical symptoms. No one should have to die (or be on the verge of dying) to finally feel accepted. Therefore, smile. Smiling is contagious and getting someone to smile back at you just might save their life.
Remember, there is power in vulnerability. The more we allow ourselves to be seen, the more we see others and it's in this transparency that we create shifts. If the eyes are the window to the soul, it's only fitting that the mouth is the window to our heart.
Tammy Davis, Holistic Practitioner & Ghostwriter in Sarasota, FL
Feel free to drop me a note or sign up at for additional insights and information.
Eating Disorders: Hungry for Love
Bad Breath DetectorGo through Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath a lot more
Having bad breath can be embarrassing. Trying to get rid of it can be a hassle and frustrating. Especially, when you know people are talking about your breath behind your back. So, what I'm going to do is share with you a cure for bad breath.
That way, your breath will smell fresh and you will have more confidence.
The tips to cure your bad breath are:
1. Drinking unsweetened tea is one way to cure bad breath. You should drink one cup of green tea daily for best results.
2. Another cure for bad breath is to brush and floss daily. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal. Also, make sure you floss daily. You have plaque and food that get stuck between your teeth that cause you to have smelly breath. By flossing daily, you will be able to stop your breath from stinking.
Also, be sure to brush your tongue. There's a lot of bacteria on your tongue that cause your breath to smell bad.
3. Rinsing your mouth out with baking soda mixed with water is another cure for bad breath. Mix a cup of warm water with baking soda and gargle with it. This is help kill the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.
4. Another cure for bad breath is to eat low carb or sugarless yogurt twice a day for at least six weeks. Yogurt has bacteria cultures in it that helps with stop the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.
5. Drinking plenty of water is another cure for bad breath. When your mouth dries, your breath tends to smell bad. So, be sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will help keep your mouth salivated and wet.
This is the cure for bad breath. If your breath stinks, you need to do something about it now. If you don't do something about it now, it could get worse. Also, your mouth might be at risk of an infection.
Don't be embarrassed by your bad breath anymore. To learn how to naturally cure your bad breath the easy way, go to
Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath
Bad BreathUnderstand What to Eat For Bad Breath additional
People casting around for long term ways to deal with an oral malodor problem often wonder what to eat for bad breath. Although suggestions for specific beneficial foods - mostly to temporarily mask the odor in the mouth - are easy to come by, there are few solid suggestions for lifestyle and dietary changes that will actually alleviate the problem. No doubt the best overall advice is simply to stick to a healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant protein sources (beans, nuts), and low in fat, and refined carbohydrates.
Among the popular foods that help against halitosis, we find aromatic herbs and spices such as mint leaves, cloves, fennel, anise, and parsley. These can be chewed to give a temporary pleasant odor to the breath, and some may contain essential oils that are actually helpful in fighting the odor-causing bacteria that live in the mouth. They are not cures, however, and really just mask the bad smell for a short while. When considering what to eat for bad breath, most people want better alternatives. Scientific research has little to offer.
Among the foods that help against halitosis, there are a few that act by cleaning the teeth and keeping the oral environment healthy. Among them are apple and guava, which are said to clean the teeth and help to clear out trapped food particles. Fresh young guava leaves are also mentioned, though these may be hard to come by where the plant does not grow. Many nutrients, of course, contribute to the maintenance of healthy tissues in the mouth. While contemplating what to eat for bad breath, consider taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement. This should cover any nutritional areas of weakness, at least until a healthy diet is well established.
Some sources do recommend specific foods that help against halitosis. Some swear by fenugreek tea, an infusion made from a plant from southern Asia. The tea may be helpful in cases where oral malodor is caused by sinusitis or another nose or throat problem. Avocado is said to be helpful, especially when an intestinal problem is involved. Other specific suggestions for what to eat for bad breath include raw fruit and vegetable juices, seeds, nuts, and grains. Avoid dairy products, eggs, meat, and refined carbohydrates. For the halitosis sufferer, the key is to keep an open mind and try different things. No remedy works for everyone.
Bad BreathR. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to What to Eat For Bad Breath at Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.
What to Eat For Bad Breath
Study Eating Disorders: Hungry for Love more
They're everywhere; magazines talking about the eating habits and body sculpting practices of the rich and famous. Why are we so focused on the physical appearance of these people or for that matter, why do we put so much pressure on them to look a certain way? AND, what messages are we sending our kids, especially the girls? PLUS, what purpose does it serve to gossip about them?
I agree with being healthy; yet, how healthy are we being when we become obsessed? Obsession is a form of worry. Worry indicates a desire to control. When we're worried about the size and shape of our body, we're wanting to control. With life spinning out of control, we seek to gain some degree of control, and more often than not, the only things we ever have control over are our thoughts. Unfortunately, the human race competes within the framework of right / wrong, good / bad and various other extremes. As we grow and explore the world, we do everything we can to fit in and the only way to do that is by being good enough for someone or something; hence, obsession with our physical appearance becomes a tool for attracting and repelling attention. Even though it appears as if our society is attempting to lose weight and be healthy, the actions or lack thereof, have nothing to do with any of that; it's all about control and acceptance. In other words, we're collectively out of control, desperately seeking love. What's worse, this twisted unhealthy way of existing is a sad reality for millions of people.
What I'm referring to are eating disorders which affect nearly 24 million people of all ages and genders with at least 50% being treated for depression and anxiety. Statistically, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness; although, these numbers vary due to the final cause mentioned on the death certificate. Many people with an eating disorder develop heart problems, kidney problems, cancer, suffer from malnutrition or simply choose to end their life. However, it does not need to get to this point. There are plenty of early warning signs and with ample sensitivity, understanding, love and guidance our family members, friends and patients can successfully get through this difficult time.
Eating disorders are any of the following:
1. Anorexics starve / restrict food intake ~ minor forms of this eating disorder include people practicing excessive drinking of coffee and alcohol and cigarette smoking all while eating limited amounts of food.
2. Bulimics purge through the use of laxatives, diuretics, excessive exercise, vomiting OR fasting for extended periods of time to make up for a binge.
3. Compulsive overeaters do not use inappropriate weight control behaviors and are often laden with guilt or shame leading to additional binges.
4. Diabulimics are bulimics with diabetes manipulating their insulin levels for weight management.
If you suspect an eating disorder, take some time and look for any of these indicators:
1. Extreme concern with body weight and shape
2. Intense fear of being fat
3. Refusing to eat; not wanting to eat in public
4. Excessive use of laxatives or diuretics (bulimia)
5. Unusual need to use the bathroom after eating; always running water while using the restroom
6. Obsessed with food; eager to prepare large meals for friends and family and not eating with them
7. Extremely restrictive eating patterns
8. Excessive exercise
9. Loss of menstrual cycle
10. Change in tooth structure, color and length
11. Dry mouth
12. Bleeding gums
13. Increased sensitivity to hot and cold in the mouth
14. Perfectionist personality (anorexia / bulimia)
15. Increased sensitivity to cold (anorexia)
16. Low blood pressure and heart rate
17. Profuse perspiration and shortness of breath (binge eating)
18. Hair loss, sunken eyes, pale skin (anorexia)
19. Blood shot / lightly bruised eyes (bulimia)
20. Mood swings, anxiety, depression
21. Dizziness and headaches
22. Sore throat and / or swollen glands (bulimia)
Changes in the mouth are often the first physical symptoms of an eating disorder and can occur as early as six months from the start of the problem.
The nutritional deficiencies resulting from the harmful practices can lead to low bone mass, weakened heart as well as metabolic and electrolyte imbalances. These imbalances cause the blood to become more acidic (metabolic acidosis) and the potassium levels to drop directly affecting the quality of the saliva and its production. Laxatives, diuretics and vomiting add to the devastating effects in the mouth. Tooth erosion, dry mouth, gum disease, cavities are all early consequences of an eating disorder and the reason why a patient often seeks the assistance of a dental practitioner. There is also the risk of osteoporosis and jaw fractures in the anorexic patient.
Here's where the role of the dental professional becomes more than just a cavity detector. Dentists, doctors, dental hygienists, and assistants are now, more than ever, in the position of saving lives. To address the findings and concerns sooner than later is imperative because the evidence we currently have is undeniable ~ our oral health directly affects our physical health and vice versa. It's a systemic issue requiring a collaborative effort. It's time for doctors and dentists to come together and demonstrate holistic healthcare.
Eating disorders are not about being thin or healthy. They are a form of mental illness that 'upsets' the whole system as each one does. From my perspective, these issues are a microcosm representing the macrocosm. We are a world spinning out of control and are doing so on an individual basis as well. The cure? Feeding / filling the hungry hearts suffocated by fear.
At this point, it seems necessary for the collective to pull together in support of the greater good. It's going to take understanding, love and a genuine desire to alleviate the pain. Imagine the degree of discomfort someone must be feeling in order to manifest these physical symptoms. No one should have to die (or be on the verge of dying) to finally feel accepted. Therefore, smile. Smiling is contagious and getting someone to smile back at you just might save their life.
Remember, there is power in vulnerability. The more we allow ourselves to be seen, the more we see others and it's in this transparency that we create shifts. If the eyes are the window to the soul, it's only fitting that the mouth is the window to our heart.
Tammy Davis, Holistic Practitioner & Ghostwriter in Sarasota, FL
Feel free to drop me a note or sign up at for additional insights and information.
Eating Disorders: Hungry for Love
Bad Breath DetectorRead through How Does Smoking Cause Bad Breath? far more
If you are experiencing savage bad breath, then maybe its because of your smoking. Puffing away on a cancer stick can causes halitosis (bad breath) because the chemicals like tar and nicotine found in tobacco, affect the way your saliva works. Cigarette smoke slows down the process of the saliva glands in your mouth. This causes most people to have a dry mouth.
Think of your saliva as your body's natural defense against germs in your mouth. If there is not enough saliva to cleanse your mouth, it gives those chemicals a chance to attach to the insides of the cheeks, teeth and tongue. The mouth is warm and moist and is the perfect breeding ground for bad germs like bacteria to grow and spread causing infections. For a long term smoker this build up causes bacteria and an unpleasant smelling odor.
Another reason smoking tobacco causes bad breath is because it attacks the gum tissue cells in your mouth. Some of the chemicals found in cigarettes, deplete the gum's ability to stick to the teeth and creates air pockets where bacteria thrive, thus causing odor, tooth decay and gum infections.
As you and me both know, smoking is not a pleasant smelling habit. If you don't know this, then all you need to do is walk past somebody who is smoking. So, when tobacco smoke is in your system, you're basically coating your insides with the same smell. If you are a smoker of tobacco then you may always suffer from these problems.
Bad BreathThe best way to get rid of Bad Smokers Breath is to Quit Smoking Now and practice good Oral Hygiene.
Want to know how I quit smoking? Go to
How Does Smoking Cause Bad Breath?
Bad BreathGo through Common Bad Breath Causes - What Are the Most Common Causes of Bad Breath? a lot more
Common Bad Breath Causes - What Are the Most Common Causes of Bad Breath?
Bad BreathBad breath is an embarrassing personal problem believed to affect 35-45% of the global population yet it is not something that is greatly talked about. When we encounter someone with a breath problem the polite thing to do is to simply ignore it and do not mention it to the person. People with bad breath often do not know or are unsure if they do have it.
As a topic that is so rarely discussed very few people are aware of what causes bad breath in the first place. This article aims to shed some light on what the possible cause maybe if you fear you have or do indeed have this all to common yet embarrassing personal problem.
The vast majority of bad breath is related to one thing, the presence of bacteria living in the mouth. Bacteria like all living organisms consume foods and excrete waste products as part of their metabolism. The waste products that these bacteria produce contain 'Volatile sulpher compunds' (VSL's) which are what cause the breath to smell.
An example of a VSL is Hydrogen sulphide, this VSL is what gives rotten eggs there characteristic foul stench and this along with a number of other VSL's are what the bacteria of the moth produce. Volatile sulpher compounds (VSL's) are molecules that evaporate readily at room temperature and quickly disperse through the air hence the reason they can be smelt on ones breath.
Treating bad breath is therefore often a case of doing as much as we can to limit the ability of these bacteria to grow inside the mouth and often times the causes of smelly breath are actions we either take or fail to take that allow the mouth to become a breeding ground for these bacteria.
If we fail to brush and floss properly we are allowing these bacteria to gain a foothold in the mouth because they will be able to feed on the molecules of food trapped on and between the teeth.
Some of the other common bad breath causes include as having a dry mouth, eating certain types of food, sinus and oral infections and tooth decay. A dry mouth can contribute to bad breath as it provides an ideal environment for the bacteria to grow, similarly sinus and oral infections supply the bacteria with food in the form of proteins, again allowing them to grow.
There are some foods that cause bad breath, not because they help the bacteria to grow but because they themselves contain these VSL's. Two examples are garlic and onions. After eating these foods the volatile oils are absorbed into the bloodstream where they are carried to the lungs and can be noticed on the breath for a few days until they have been expelled.
There are a wide variety of bad breath causes we need to be aware of if we are to successfully prevent and solve this embarrassing problem. Discover them here.
Read 5 Ways to Catch a Cheating Wife - How to Spot the Signs much more
Cheating is unforgivable. It's something you'd never wish on anyone and the hurt it costs is definitely unimaginable. But lately, you find yourself getting a little more suspicious about your wife. You seem to be questioning her late meetings with friends, her hushed tones on the phone and her sudden indifference to you. You don't want to think about it but come on --- you're already plotting on ways to catch your cheating wife. Below are five undeniable signs she's definitely cheating. Take a deep breath. You might have a long talk with her tonight:
She's always busy and out of the house. It's great that she's finally decided to meet up with friends, do new hobbies and get busy. You've never seen her so happy again. However, if things seem to become more and more busy and she seemed to be pulling farther away from you, better do some asking about her new hobbies. She might already be seeing someone new.
She gets a major make-over. She get a new hairstyle, changes her wardrobe and gets her nails done for the first time. Maybe she's just trying to look goof for you but if there are no upcoming birthdays or dinners out, maybe (just maybe) she's done it for someone else. The thrill of meeting someone new may be too good for her.
She keeps track of your schedule. She makes sure you're home at this time and inquires about your bowling night with your buddies tomorrow. She asks about your plans for the weekend and the time you'll be getting home. She's keeping her tracks clean --- and doing her best not to get caught.
She's often distracted and gets jumpy. You talk to her and she seemed to be miles and miles away. However, when you suddenly open the door to your room she jumps up like she's been caught doing something illegal. She'd follow this up with a nervous laughter and a few short stammering sentences --- she's definitely hiding something from you.
She can't look you in the eye. A lying person (especially the not very good ones) will find a very hard time to keep eye contact. You don't need a lie detector to find out --- her guilty looks and her fleeting glances are enough to tell you that she's not happy anymore --- and found it with someone else.
Are you still suspicious for signs she's cheating and other ways to catch a cheating wife? Do you still want to make every single day a romantic and intense day for the both of you and save yourself from a bad relationship? Find out more tips on how to keep a healthy relationship by visiting my website now!
It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with your woman and I guarantee you no more dull days ever! You're one click away from all the excitement. Click on the link and find out how:
Learn the secrets of healthy relationships here!