If you are experiencing savage bad breath, then maybe its because of your smoking. Puffing away on a cancer stick can causes halitosis (bad breath) because the chemicals like tar and nicotine found in tobacco, affect the way your saliva works. Cigarette smoke slows down the process of the saliva glands in your mouth. This causes most people to have a dry mouth.
Think of your saliva as your body's natural defense against germs in your mouth. If there is not enough saliva to cleanse your mouth, it gives those chemicals a chance to attach to the insides of the cheeks, teeth and tongue. The mouth is warm and moist and is the perfect breeding ground for bad germs like bacteria to grow and spread causing infections. For a long term smoker this build up causes bacteria and an unpleasant smelling odor.
Another reason smoking tobacco causes bad breath is because it attacks the gum tissue cells in your mouth. Some of the chemicals found in cigarettes, deplete the gum's ability to stick to the teeth and creates air pockets where bacteria thrive, thus causing odor, tooth decay and gum infections.
As you and me both know, smoking is not a pleasant smelling habit. If you don't know this, then all you need to do is walk past somebody who is smoking. So, when tobacco smoke is in your system, you're basically coating your insides with the same smell. If you are a smoker of tobacco then you may always suffer from these problems.
Bad BreathThe best way to get rid of Bad Smokers Breath is to Quit Smoking Now and practice good Oral Hygiene.
Want to know how I quit smoking? Go to SayNo2Smoking.com