It doesn't matter which state you reside in when living up north, when the winter months arrive proper actions must be taken to assure that you will survive the season in a safe and fruitful manner. Since the state of Delaware does not have an official "Winter Awareness Month" and in view of the seriousness of winter safety, I am dedicating the month of December to winter awareness.
During our "Winter Awareness Month" we will be writing and placing a multitude of articles online which will relate to maintaining a safe environment at home or in your car. Why wait to gather up important information after your city is buried under several feet of snow. Learn what to do now and be better prepared when the bad weather arrives.
Usually Delaware winters are not harsh but rather minimal in severity. We rarely get much snow or even sub-zero freezing temperatures. Last years blizzard was an exception to that rule as we were snowed in for multiple days. In general winter time can be some of the most beautiful times of the year however they can also be the most brutal and unforgiving. In the weeks that follow my readers can look forward to articles concerning remaining safe when outside, driving safely in the wintertime, the hazards of shoveling snow, and since many survivalists are outdoor type people, I will cover safety on lakes and rivers which have become frozen.
To kick start our program off, I would like to first cover some tips to keeping your home safe during the winter season. Always remember to check your smoke detector and in have at least one on each floor. Test your smoke detectors on a monthly schedule and once per year replace the 9 volt battery. Frequently in order to remember when to replace the battery it is recommended that you do so every time you set your clocks ahead.
I can not stress enough that you should have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installed near the bedrooms and also on each of the floors of your home. When the alarm goes off it is suggested that you press the reset button, call your local fire department and immediately get to a source of fresh air. The symptoms of CO poisoning include dizziness, fatigue, headache and a shortness of breath. Know the symptoms and in the event you experience them get fresh air immediately and contact your doctor.
In conjunction with your Carbon Monoxide detector make certain that your heating equipment is inspected yearly. A trained specialist should be called in to inspect and adjust your heater at the beginning of each winter season.
Portable heaters have traditionally proved to be the major contributor to home fires. Keep these heaters a minimum of 3 feet from anything in your room which could catch fire. This includes your bed, furniture, and children. Always keep young children from playing near the portable heaters in fact never leave them alone in a room with a burning portable heater.
I always keep a kerosene heater readily available during winter time weather in the event we loose electricity. They are perfect for emergency use however make certain that you use the proper fuel in your unit. Never use gasoline as a substitute for kerosene as you will likely experience an deadly explosion. Don't refuel your heater while it is on. Provide a measure of air circulation when your heater is in use.
There you have a start on our winter safety articles, I hope you find the information in it useful and above all stay safe this winter season.
Copyright @2010 Joseph Parish
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